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OLX : fake ads | Be aware of fraudsters

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From the last few days, i was searching for a second-hand car to buy. So I decided to check the famous site where everything is available, mostly second-hand objects. while I was checking I look toward an Ad about selling his Maruti Suzuki desire Car I think 2016 model and was asking for only 1 lac 70 thousand that was so low price for that type of car. so I tried to contact him. As that person whose name is "Bharama Singh" I think, mentioned the address near to my locality so I m make my mind to buy that car only as I will get many advantages like the seller is near to my home, I can easily know about that person before purchasing the car. but I called him in the evening at about 7:00 or 7: 30 pm  . on the first time the call was on wait. so I just ignored I thought I will call on the next morning. meanwhile one of my known persons called me to ask for any second-hand car in on-sell or not. so I tell him about that car but as all, we work for money (that's the only truth that lies between the land and sky)  so I tell him that there is a car and tell him the details of the car but I tell him the price about 2 lac 30 thousand i know this was also very low price for that car but who cares I was getting 50 k without any work so i was happy. then after I had the dinner my phone rang I just check my phone and receive the call. I know that the owner of that car was speaking so I directly ask about that car so he said car is in another state and he is an army man so now he transferred to a different state. I said "Ok" but how can I buy that car or how can I check that the car is working well. Now that fraudster Story starts he said I will send the car at my home address by transport facility and in the army there is an army transport facility and you have to pay just transport charges which were approx. 5 k in that transport account. so I said I want to buy this car u can came to my place with that car and on the same day I will pay you and you transfer the car papers on my name or on the other party's name. so he denied and make some stories that due to Corona time we are not getting a holiday without any reason and so on. so I agreed but i said to show some proof that he is an army man he sends his Canteen Card - Liquor card on my whats app. He was taking me like "BhaiJi" i will give you the car in fair amount you tell me "BhaiJi" that was quite weird. I mean like (i was taking to him from last 4-5 mins only and he is being so gentle to me like he is my relative)than I checked my whats app and i was sure that the person is genuine. But this thing when i told to my father -- he said how can a person send his car without taking any security from you. So i thought "father is right". So i called that car owner and ask about where he is from and proper detail exact of his cantonment area. He told me everything then i ask him what if i come there and check the condition of the car that time that Fraudster become nervous and said brother(*BhaiJi) in this time of corona you will come from one state to another that is so unsafe, safety is priority you don't come and all or if you come you will not get the access to come inside the army base. You need a permit card than you will go through 2 medical test and a very long list of his excuses. So  i was clear that this is a Fraud!!!!! but i said him one of my known he is also in army and also in your city . he will come and give you the money and you give him the cars and do the owner ship on his name. now fraudster have nothing to say he said i have not so much time, i want so sell this car today and one more person is contacting me i am selling this car to him. but i was clear that he was just want that 5 k from me. so guys these fraudsters are everywhere 1 out of 10 is doing fraud and want to take your hard earn cash. so never believe on this type of post . first see the object you want to purchase and when he do all the documentation work only that time pay the money. Just be save from these FRAUDS !!!

My motive to upload this story is just to help those who are in the same situation like me. DON'T Come in the Trap of these Bastards and these Fake Ads !!!!



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